Lo-Fi Analysis

November 30, 2020

User-Testing Notes

User: Devin

Explore gear stores/rentals in throughout NH. This task was meant to be simple in order to get the user comfortable with the test. Devin was able to easily navigate to the gear store/rental section in a matter of seconds. No hesitation, very intuitive to the layout of the app and functionality.

Download trail map for Mt Major. This task took slightly longer, though the user was able to complete quickly as well. User had the background knowledge that Mount Major’s trail map would be with hiking (because trails mean hiking). With this background, the user had no hesitation to click activities first try after signing-in.

Search for outdoor activities in Manchester, NH. User was able to identify the keyword “search” in this task fairly quickly. This specific task required utilizing the “advanced search” option. The user attempted to simply “search.” In order to utilize the advanced search, I may need to reformat the layout to make clearer.

Overall, user was within the target audience and had quick times completing each task. The user knew to click “sign-in” in order to enter the app, and easily navigated. This user did not utilize the “hamburger” icon, contact page, or places to visit, but they did use all the pages required of the tasks.

Changes/Edits: Lo-Fi

Paper Lo-Fi

Sign-in. Create a new “page” for registering for the app. Search and Advanced Search. Recreate layout and make advanced search clearer. Add keyboard to search bar option.

XD Wireframe Lo-Fi

Download Maps. Move download options closer to the top of the page (underneath name). Add another page for list of hikes. Search and Advanced Search. Adjust layout and make “Advanced Search” look more like a button. Fix Logo Lock: Scrolling. Logo scrolling error > adjust layering. Favorites. Add favorites page.